I would give more stars if I could! Best business book I have read!

It is really great to hear back from people who have enjoyed The One Minute Presenter, it’s even better when these kind people leave a review on Amazon. I am open to feedback – good and bad – as it helps me improve and get better. Here is a review from Marcia Freespirit, CEO, JimSam Inc. Publishing:

All I can say is, I wish I had read this book a long time ago. I would have undoubtedly made better presentations, done better on job interviews, gotten more clients, impressed more bosses – and the list just keeps going on.

Warwick has put together the most comprehensive guide I have ever read on how to develop presenting skills. The format is very understandable and easy to read with a core premise that you still maintain your own individualism while making presentations.

I have spoken at conferences and even been a guest at Toastmasters and have considered myself a good speaker – now I know that I have been wrong! The advice given is superb and I am now ready to move it up a notch – or several – in my presentations.

This book is great for students, managers, job-hunters, and pretty much anyone that has to speak in front of a group of any size or regarding any issue. For executives, this is a perfect guide to give your managers to improve communications and save time.

To buy The One Minute Presenter e-book here, see here.

To buy The One Minute Presenter on Amazon, click here.

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