Tag Archive for 'meetings'

Why Invest in Face-to-Face Meetings? Look to Neuroscience.

Based on a recent research report, three business goals that are best met through face-to-face gatherings:
1. Capturing attention
2. Inspiring a positive emotional climate
3. Building personal networks and relationships

Learn more with a summary of these findings at Corporate Meetings & Incentives or ask me for a copy of the original whitepaper.

Time is money

It’s an old cliche but “time is money” when it comes to business resources, especially in tough times. The One Minute Presenter is all about helping people become more concise and compelling speakers.  Most formal presentations are delivered in business meetings. But are you aware of how much your meetings are costing you? Here is a quick tool for you to use. How about projecting it on the wall during your meetings!? It would really help you everyone on track.