Executive Branding: Three Steps to build a senior management career Part 2 of 3 : Uncover your unique value

p8110036To view the other steps in this series, see Part 1 ‘Find your passion’.

Uncover unique value

After uncovering their passions, an executive can define their uniqueness. This can be a block as many executives – especially from financial and technical fields – tend to under-sell themselves. An important step to take is to define expertise more broadly than their job description.

Remember that a personal brand is how other people perceive the executive, not how the executive would like to be seen. An exercise to gain new insights on the value the executive provides is to ask them to answer the question, “ What pain do you solve?” By writing between 20 and 100 small pains or problems they solve, insights will be uncovered into what services they provide – paid and unpaid – to the people around them. Expand the question to include family, friends as well as colleagues and business stakeholders.

Once an executive has defined their passion and the unique value they provide, the next step in personal branding is how to project them.

Watch out for Part 3 coming soon. What else should an executive do to uncover their unique value?


Warwick John Fahy is the international executive speech coach for senior executives, business leaders and entrepreneurs who need to influence clients, investors, shareholders and team members. His highly practical approach and deep cross cultural intelligence have made him a sought-after business presentation coach throughout the world.

Warwick is the author of the acclaimed book, The One Minute Presenter – 8 steps to successful business presentations in a short attention span world. For free executive speaking tips visit http://www.oneminutepresenter.com/blog

To arrange presentation skills training or coaching to build your executive presence visit this web site.

For a media interview call +86 1391 786 7502.

Copyright 2010 Warwick John Fahy All rights reserved.

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