Archive for the 'executive presence' Category

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Excellence in Public Speaking: A sprint or an Ironman?

One of my hobbies is triathlon racing. I enjoy the mix of swimming, biking and running as it keeps training interesting and you meet a great bunch of people at triathlon races. Triathlon races come in different distances. For example, sprint, Olympic, half Ironman and the pinnacle of all triathlons: Ironman. These races can take an average racer from one hour in the sprint to up to 17 hours in the full Ironman. I completed the 2010 Ironman China regarded as one of the toughest races on the Ironman circuit due to the extreme heat of around 35 degrees.

As with any endurance sport, the race is really a race of two; you against yourself. Depending on your current fitness levels you need to choose your race carefully. If you are new to the sport, it makes sense to start with a sprint or Olympic distance race. If you are already a solid marathon runner or long distance biker, you could start training for an Ironman.

We can use the metaphor of triathlon to help you become a better public speaker. If career progression is important to you, public speaking needs to be a core skill you develop over time. Here are three ways public speaking is similar to triathlon:

It’s a race. Choose your race. Learn how to race.

To succeed in triathlon you need to know about swimming, cycling, running, how to transition from one discipline to another, managing nutrition in longer races and understanding what equipment will give you the most bang for your buck. In public speaking you also need to combine competency in these various disciplines:

Know your “stuff”: Understand your content inside and out without the need to look at notes.

Shape a Madison Avenue or Hollywood message: Learn techniques from the masters of messaging so that your presentation has a clear, memorable message.

Rehearse like an actor: Dedicate sufficient time to focus more on your delivery than on your content. Dress rehearsing should take at least 60% of your preparation time. Most business presenters spend only 5-10% in real rehearsal.

Deliver like performer and entertainer: Understand that in a world of shortening attention spans, simply delivering information does not result in a change of behaviour. If you are intending to influence your audience you need to understand techniques that create a more engaging and entertaining experience for them.

Handle questions like a media professional: Most people are apprehensive about the Q&A session. As a senior manager you need to be always ready to step up and handle even the most challenging of questions. In fact, you should develop this ability so it becomes your most favourite format.

Success depends on how well you know your “race”. Become familiar with the components of public speaking and start to master them one-by-one.

Choose your intensity level

Every triathlete decides how hard they race. For example:

  • Just to finish in one piece

  • Win your age group [amateurs are divided by age]

  • Top 20 in the whole field

  • Win the race

This concept of intensity also applies to public speaking. Executives decide how much time and effort they dedicate to improve their speaking abilities. We can see this through the Speak with Executive Presence Pyramid:

0.0 Ineffective
1.0 Competent
2.0 Influential
3.0 Impactful
4.0 Change-makers
5.0 Executive Presence

Executives operating in the “Ineffective” zone just want to get through the presentation without “dying” and don’t show any style. In the “Competent” zone, the aim is to deliver a competent presentation in line with their peer group. Not a stand out but above average. “Impactful” zone executives consistently deliver confident presentations and are “always ready to deliver”. They string together influential presentations. They are the go-to executive when a media interview is called at short notice.

The level of your intensity will dictate how far you can take your influencing abilities.

It’s consistency that makes you stronger.

A myth of endurance sports is the “no pain, no gain” approach. If you wish to avoid injury and perform over a long time frame, there is absolutely no need to put yourself through high amounts of pain in your training. When he visited Shanghai, two-time Ironman World Champion, Chris “Macca” McCormack told me that consistent training is the key to success in endurance sports. I need a target,like a race, to get motivated to train. The target of a race helps me plan and execute a training plan over, a typical 20 week build up for a key race.

With this target, I scour my calendar for pockets of training time. I find the energy to get up at 5am to get in extra training session, and sacrifice weekend time for a long bike ride of up to 4 hours. Just having the race in my calendar helps me become a better time manager. A 20 week build up consists of four phases:

  • Preparation; low intensity training with a focus on building up endurance.

  • Base; start to add in longer sessions and sharpen up technique.

  • Build; weekly focus on different disciplines and plan nutritional needs.

  • Taper; reduce amount of time training and switch to shorter more intense sessions. Think through race plan and on-the-day details.

When getting ready for a big presentation, you can take a similar approach. In our workshops we use a 16-step guide which can be divided into four phases:

  • Preparation; purpose, message and organisation.

  • Base; mastering content, flow and critical moments.

  • Build; rehearsals.

  • Polish; final mindset and on-the-day preparations.

Effective preparation is the key to upgrading your skills. Pick an important presentation and work on sharpening up your performance at each phase.

In conclusion

Public speaking is like triathlon racing. Both can be painful if you don’t prepare correctly, but are extremely enjoyable when you commit to improving your performance over the long term. The takeaways:

  • It’s a race. Choose your race. Learn how to race.

  • Choose your intensity.

  • It’s consistency that makes you stronger.

Further reading:

What is triathlon?

Ironman triathlons

SWEP Pyramid

About the Author

Warwick J Fahy

“I work with senior executives working for multinationals in Greater China who lack the executive presence to effectively influence key stakeholders. While these executives are very smart, very knowledgeable and highly capable, a key piece missing. Their executive communication skills need polishing. I help executives build a strong foundation in executive communication so that they are able to better think, speak and act like a leader to set and implement strategy. Recently, we helped a CEO turn his communication style from being nervous and uninspiring into a more engaging, confident and purposeful executive.”  Learn more about who I help here.

Find out whether your executive team is performing to the best of their potential with Warwick’s article “10 Warning Signs Your Leaders Lack Executive Presence”. Email me and I’ll send you a PDF version.

Warwick is the author of “The One Minute Presenter: 8 steps to successful business presentations in a short attention span world”. Warwick is author of the forthcoming book ‘Speak with Executive Presence in China’ . Now available on

Sign up to “52 Tips to more confident public speaking” newsletter at

©2011 Warwick John Fahy

What five burning questions will your audience ask?

One of the most challenging parts of a presentation is the question and answer session (Q&A). Many senior executives get worried and anxious about this inevitable part of the meeting. In fact, I would classify any presentation that did not lead to questions being asked as a complete failure. The main purpose of any communication, especially at the senior level, is to move people to action. This requires a level of engagement from the audience which must include questions that deepen their understanding.

So as it’s an inevitable and desirable aspect to your meeting, why not get ready for it in the best most complete way possible. My mantra is “always be ready”. For those of you who were Scouts, remember the motto of the Scouts? “Be prepared”.

Here is a six step process you can use to always be ready and prepared for your Q&A. Applications include:

  • Presenting to senior management

  • Getting ready for a media interview

  • Participating in a weekly conference call with overseas management

  • Contributing to a business review meeting

  • Being on a panel in a shareholder meeting

  • Keynoting at a town hall meeting

Step 1: The burning five

Write down the five most important questions the audience wants to know on the subject you are going to deliver. Some of these questions will be recurring and easy to answer. But use this time to think about some of the tougher question you have been asked in the past. What questions catch you out? If you wanted to ask the toughest, most difficult question on this topic, what would you ask?


Topic: Business review meeting

Burning questions:

  1. How well has the research and development center been integrated into our global product development plans?

  2. What steps are you taking to turnaround a declining gross margin?

  3. How well prepared is the business for a slowing global economy?

Step 2: Trigger your bullet points

For each question, write down your answers quickly using bullet points. Write 4-6 words for each bullet to help you trigger a fuller answer. The skill here comes from not thinking about each question too long. Write down the first five or six bullet points that come to mind.


Burning questions:

How well has the research and development center been integrated into our global product development plans?

Bullet points:

  • Quick update on R&D operations

  • Outcomes from global R&D conference call

  • Pipeline 2012-2013

  • Manpower challenges slowing ramp-up

  • Opportunities we are not taking

Step 3: Make them mobile

Most executives are on the move and you need to be able to capture streams of time to help you get ready. For example, when you are on the road, waiting in the business lounge, taking a flight. These are all opportunities for you to get your Q&A ready.

If you are old-school like me and prefer to think on paper:

Print or write your questions and bullet point answers on some cue cards. Take one cue card for each question. This method works well because you can still work on them when you are taking off and landing. Also, you can move the cards around and see connections between them more clearly than working in digital. Keep blank cue cards handy in your briefcase.

For the people who like to keep everything digital:

Set up a document on your phone or tablet computer that you can come back to and edit. Scan through the questions and rearrange them according to the priorities of the audience you are addressing.

Step 4 : Polish to make them shine

Add, modify and polish your answers. When you have new anecdotes, data or ideas to share add them into the file. If you are using cue cards, you may need to re-print them every now and again. Carry your cue cards around with you in the days before the presentation. Read through them to refresh your answers. You can also keep them close to you in the meeting, especially a conference call and glance at them when a question arises.

Step 5: Flex your Answers

Rehearse so that you can answer each question in a maximum of 2 minutes. Color up your answers with your personal insights, stories and data. Remember most TV media interview expect answers under 60 seconds. Adapt your answers depending on the audience. Senior management prefer concise direct answers. Your company staff in a town hall might like to know more about your personal style or experiences.

Step 6 : Data-bank your Q&As

Overtime, build up a question and answer data-bank Whenever you get a good question, add it to your database. Ask colleagues to suggest questions on the topic you are preparing. If you ever get stuck by a question, add it to your data-bank. You will be surprised at the relatively narrow range of questions you get on any particular topic.


This is how you get and stay ready. As I tell my CEO clients, you need to “always be ready” so you are not surprised by questions. Use this six step process to become bulletproof in any question and answer session.

About the Author

Warwick J Fahy

“I work with senior executives working for multinationals in Greater China who lack the executive presence to effectively influence key stakeholders. While these executives are very smart, very knowledgeable and highly capable, a key piece missing. Their executive communication skills need polishing. I help executives build a strong foundation in executive communication so that they are able to better think, speak and act like a leader to set and implement strategy. Recently, we helped a CEO turn his communication style from being nervous and uninspiring into a more engaging, confident and purposeful executive.”  Learn more about who I help here.

Find out whether your executive team is performing to the best of their potential with Warwick’s article “10 Warning Signs Your Leaders Lack Executive Presence”. Email me and I’ll send you a PDF version.

Warwick is the author of “The One Minute Presenter: 8 steps to successful business presentations in a short attention span world”. Warwick is author of the forthcoming book ‘Speak with Executive Presence in China’ . Now available on

Sign up to “52 Tips to more confident public speaking” newsletter at

©2011 Warwick John Fahy

Can introverted executives lead with executive presence?

The introverted executive

I work with C-level leaders to help them become more effective leaders by speaking with executive presence. We work on the inner game and the outer game. The inner game is all about the person and is essential to expand the awareness of self confidence of an executive before they then work on polishing their performance in the outer game. Today we will look at the inner game and especially focus on introverted executives.

I mainly work with executives from technical disciplines like finance and engineering and meet many senior leaders who tend to be introverted. One way to spot an introvert is in a crowded room, like at a networking function. The extroverts will be the centre of attention with a group of people around them being kept rapt in the conversation. Introverts tend to be off to the side, perhaps in one-on-one conversation. While there is not right or wrong here, being an introvert can get in the way of becoming an effective executive.

I have been called in to work with executives that were avoiding speaking in public, like at conferences or even at internal events. This limits the executives ultimate career potential in the long term, but in the short to medium term can impact the business. People look to leaders for direction. When a leader shuns public communication this makes his job harder. Successful CEOs like Doug Conant, former CEO of Campell Soup used to spend one hour a day writing handwritten cards to his employees which is an excellent way to connect on a personal level. That requires a real commitment which I don’t seen many people making on a consistent basis. At it’s worse, a void of communication is filled with rumour, uncertainty and indecision as people are not clear on the company’s strategy.

Here are three things to consider for introverted executives:

1. People judge you on what they see

Many senior executives believe that the quality of their technical ability, great ideas or strategic thinking compensates for their unwillingness to go and engage with people. Certainly they are assets, but for senior executives their main job is communication. Without communicating they are not fulfilling their primary purpose.

Doug Conant in an interview with Harvard Business Review said, “People are not mind readers. They don’t know what you are thinking as a leader, they hunger to know. They hunger to know you. And they are going to judge you from what they see, unless you tell them differently.”

This desire to know the CEO means that when you speak, people are paying more attention to the words you use and the way you speak, than when the finance director is presenting. That’s because people want to know, understand and believe in their leaders.

Introverted executives often send the wrong signals. Conant gave this example:

And when I was in a meeting, I might be off to the side and look very unapproachable and what people didn’t realise was, was that I was very shy and was nervous talking to people.”

People cannot read your mind so if they see you being unapproachable, they assume you are unapproachable. If they see your presentation and you are not being articulate and clear on the company direction. They assume you don’t know the direction.

All executives can benefit from becoming more self aware of how they are communicating with the people around them. Spend the next week, becoming very focused on the words you use every time you are in public with people from your business. Watch what you say just before and after the meeting, ask yourself, “Will what I am about to say help clarify the situation.” don’t speak unless the answer is “yes”.

2. Self awareness leads to self expression

Becoming more self-aware is an important first step. Many executives hit a ceiling in their careers when their technical abilities can no longer compensate for their lack of presence and effective communication.

Introverted executives needs to face the situation head-on. Conant took the brave step in his time at Campell Soups:

I’m just going to tell them I am an introvert. If you see me standing off to the side, don’t say ‘there’s Doug he’s being aloof again’, say ‘there’s Doug he’s being shy and I am going to bring him into the conversation’.”

If you feel you need support in getting ready with your presenting or managing company meetings or delivering at public conference, reach out to your line manager or HR director. Ask them for help. The impact can be immediate and positive, as it was for Conant:

And as soon as I did that it was such a freeing feeling. The power of declaring yourself and telling people what was really going on. They were more than willing to engage with me in a different way.”

When you face up to the reality of a situation and tell people, two things are apparent. Firstly, you are now clarifying why you sometimes act the way you do. Once you have told people, they will immediately “get it”. Secondly, you connect with yourself in a way that builds your authenticity – another key competence in executive presence. There is nothing more powerful, more engaging and more convincing than an authentic speaker.

3. It’s never too late to change

In my practice, I work with senior executives who can range from their late 30s to late 50s. Sometimes I am faced with an executive who asks “Can I really change?” The answer is simple, you can change if you decide you can. Conant realised this after he had faced his introversion:

Then I kicked myself that it took me until I was 49 years old to realise I could say that. I was so self conscious and nervous about it. It’s been incredibly freeing. The more I acknowledge that I am an introvert, the less of an introvert I have been. “

I have consistently found that when people face their problems head-on and work on improving them, great things happen. Shy executives have discovered that they can give engaging presentations to hundreds of people, and enjoy it. The people around them notice and their leadership is viewed in a new, positive light.


Whether you are introverted or not, these three lessons will serve you on the road to becoming a more influential executive:

  1. People judge you on what they see

  2. Self awareness leads to self expression

  3. It’s never too late to change

This blog was inspired by listening to an interview with Doug Conant, former CEO of Campell Soup and Nabisco on Harvard Business Review. You can listen to the interview here. The section on being an introverted leader starts around 9 minutes in.

About the Author

Warwick J Fahy

“I work with senior executives working for multinationals in Greater China who lack the executive presence to effectively influence key stakeholders. While these executives are very smart, very knowledgeable and highly capable, a key piece missing. Their executive communication skills need polishing. I help executives build a strong foundation in executive communication so that they are able to better think, speak and act like a leader to set and implement strategy. Recently, we helped a CEO turn his communication style from being nervous and uninspiring into a more engaging, confident and purposeful executive.”  Learn more about who I help here.

Find out whether your executive team is performing to the best of their potential with Warwick’s article “10 Warning Signs Your Leaders Lack Executive Presence”. Email me and I’ll send you a PDF version.

Warwick is the author of “The One Minute Presenter: 8 steps to successful business presentations in a short attention span world”. Warwick is author of the forthcoming book ‘Speak with Executive Presence in China’

Now available on

Sign up to “52 Tips to more confident public speaking” newsletter at
©2011 Warwick John Fahy

Five ways to know if you are a presentation professional or a presentation amateur

Professional or amateur?

What is a professional? My key words are high standards, excellence, role-modelling, expertise, high status and remuneration.

The original meaning of amateur comes from the Latin root for love {amo} and used to be applied to hobbies and sports eg Olympian athletes had to be amateurs until the 1970s and today all boxers must still be amateurs. While it does have positive meanings, the word tends to be used more with “sub-par” and shoddy performance. Used as an contrast to professional performance.

I am a keen observer of business presentations, and have seen common behaviours that I think are amateur and should not be employed by business professionals, especially the C-level executives that I work with. If you are doing the following five things in your presentations, you might wish to consider the message you are sending your audience, and consider taking a more professional approach:

#1 You hit the microphone before you speak [to test that it is on].

The message you send the audience: “I have not done a sound check before the meeting and I have no concern at all that blowing or hitting the microphone sounds awful and looks worse.

The Professional’s approach: You arrive early to the venue. You seek out the technical staff. You check the volume and sound quality from all the microphones. You prepare a backup microphone. You make sure that there is no feedback from the microphones when you move around on the stage.

#2 You run your presentation off a USB stick

The message you send the audience: “I didn’t think through the possibility that there would be a problem. Don’t worry, I’ll take a couple of minutes during the presentation to reload my USB and presentation.”

The Professional’s approach: You realise that it’s quite easy for a USB stick to disconnect, and that the most stable solution causes the least problems. You load your presentation onto the computer’s desktop. You test it by running through all your slides. You still plug in your USB stick as a backup. It’s there in the unlikely event that you will need it.

#3 You read from your slides

The message you send the audience: “I have done so little preparation that I don’t know what I really want to say, so I have written my whole script on this slide. And now I am going to read it word by word, even though you can read it much faster than I can say it.”

The Professional’s approach: You understand that text based slides are boring, dull and result in very poor memory retention. You know that the audience switches off when they see such slides. You rehearse thoroughly so that you have a clear message which each slide supports. You make your slides more visual – using pictures, simple charts and tables – rather than dumping data or cramming text. You prepare a handout if you need to pass on technical details or financial information.

#4 You walk across the screen while you are presenting

The message you send the audience: “I am so unaware of how this looks, that I think it’s fine to walk in front of the screen, stretch across the screen to reach the computer to advance the next slide, or even present with the slide projecting onto my face.

The Professional’s approach: You understand that a presentation is a performance where you are in control of the stage including the technology and lighting. You use a wireless clicker to remotely advance slides. You practice with the clicker so you know how to use it. You are discreet while using it and point it at the computer – not the screen – when advancing slides. You ‘black out’ the screen when you need to walk across the stage so that the slide is not projected onto your face. You are in control of how and when the audience sees the slides. The slides support you and your message, not dominate the whole presentation.

#5 You finish with the Q&A

The message you send the audience: “I don’t mind the presentation finishing with low energy, or the final words being, ‘No more questions? I guess I’m finished then.”

The Professional’s approach: You know that the main purpose of a presentation is for you to deliver a message to your audience that they will remember, take away and possibly act on. You know that question and answer sessions often peeter out and are not a strong way to round off a presentation. You have prepared – and perhaps scripted – your close so that your key messages get reinforced and the audience know exactly the next step they should take upon leaving your presentation. There is a clear and motivating call to action.

About the Author

Warwick J Fahy

“I work with senior executives working for multinationals in Greater China who lack the executive presence to effectively influence key stakeholders. While these executives are very smart, very knowledgeable and highly capable, a key piece missing. Their executive communication skills need polishing. I help executives build a strong foundation in executive communication so that they are able to better think, speak and act like a leader to set and implement strategy. Recently, we helped a CEO turn his communication style from being nervous and uninspiring into a more engaging, confident and purposeful executive.”  Learn more about who I help here.

Find out whether your executive team is performing to the best of their potential with Warwick’s article “10 Warning Signs Your Leaders Lack Executive Presence”. Email me and I’ll send you a PDF version.

Warwick is the author of “The One Minute Presenter: 8 steps to successful business presentations in a short attention span world”. Warwick is author of the forthcoming book ‘Speak with Executive Presence in China’

Now available on

Sign up to “52 Tips to more confident public speaking” newsletter at
©2011 Warwick John Fahy

Where are you on the “Speak with Executive Presence Pyramid”?


As you advance your career, the ability to express yourself effectively – in a concise, precise and memorable way – becomes even more important. Executives from technical backgrounds – like finance and engineering – can benefit from specifically becoming more aware about their communication style. Being able to adjust to different audiences is the hallmark of successful executives.

There are broadly fives types of communication abilities:

0.0 Ineffective

Unfortunately many executives have not addressed their presenting and communication skills and their personal brand suffers as peers and line managers become frustrated by the amount of time and effort it takes for them to convey a message. If complaints about how an executive comes across are raised on a consistent basis, urgent attention is required.

1.0 Competent

Over time many executives improve their communication to a competent level. They are able to deliver their functional presentations like technical reports and financial statements without too many problems. However, as they rise through the ranks more effort is needed to continually hone their ability. As the executives needs to deliver more presentations to senior leaders and to more diverse audiences, they need deeper preparation and rehearsal to effectively convey their message.  If they do not work on these skills then they are in danger of slipping back into the ” ineffective” zones. At this stage many executives resist the need to address their communication skills and fall-back on their technical abilities – to the long term detriment of their careers.

2.0 Influential

Executives who are influential are able to shape a clear message and deliver it effectively to a wide range of audiences.  These executives are most comfortable on topics closest to their experience. For example, finance executives are able to deliver technical presentations to non-technical senior audiences. Executives are regarded as good presenters and through consistent improvement and rehearsal are able to deliver to larger audiences and engage more diverse audiences.

3.0 Impactful

Executives in this zone consistently deliver confident presentations and are “always ready to deliver”. They string together influential presentations. They are the go to executive when a media interview is called at short notice. They are able to take complex messages and connect it to diverse audiences so that each audience buy-into the intent of the message. Executives with impactful communication skills build significant support from internal and external stakeholders and are invited to represent the company at public events.  They have developed their communication skills to a point where they can quickly and effectively prepare and deliver powerful and memorable speeches.

4.0 Change-makers

When your organisation needs to articulate a major change, they turn to executives in the change-maker category of communication skills. These executives can build a case for the change by reaching out, understanding and shaping how the change offers opportunity for each stakeholder. The change-makers play a key role in creating, articulating and cascading the message throughout the organisation. Their ability to clarify, hone and sharpen the message is essential for any large company making an important change. Senior leaders need to advance their communication skills to this category especially when they are operating in a turbulent and dynamic environment.

5.0 Executive Presence

Executives who can speak with executive presence are a key weapon in a company’s communication strategy. Their value to the organisation goes way beyond their communication skills. Executives, like Steve Jobs or Richard Branson become the leading tip of the spear in positioning their companies as thought-leaders and premium brands in their markets. They attract the best talent to work with them and they can attract attention to even mundane presentations – like product launches.


Where would you position your communication and presenting ability on the Speak with Executive Presence Pyramid? Do you have a plan to take a step up to the next level. As executives get to the top of their technical silo, their communication abilities will dictate how much freedom they have to decide on their future career steps. Contact us if you would like to know more about how to ascend the pyramid. We especially help executives from technical backgrounds to become more influential and impactful in their presentation and communication skills.

About the Author: Warwick J Fahy

“I work with senior executives working for multinationals in Greater China who lack the executive presence to effectively influence key stakeholders. While these executives are very smart, very knowledgeable and highly capable, a key piece missing. Their executive communication skills need polishing. I help executives build a strong foundation in executive communication so that they are able to better think, speak and act like a leader to set and implement strategy. Recently, we helped a CEO turn his communication style from being nervous and uninspiring into a more engaging, confident and purposeful executive.”  Learn more about who I help here.

Find out whether your executive team is performing to the best of their potential with Warwick’s article “10 Warning Signs Your Leaders Lack Executive Presence”. Email me and I’ll send you a PDF version.

Warwick is the author of “The One Minute Presenter: 8 steps to successful business presentations in a short attention span world”. Warwick is author of the forthcoming book ‘Speak with Executive Presence in China’

Now available on

Sign up to “52 Tips to more confident public speaking” newsletter at
©2011 Warwick John Fahy

10 Warning Signs Your Leaders Lack Executive Presence

Future business success depends on having leaders who can drive change. If you observe any of these signs, your top team is probably under-performing and it’s time to take action.
Executive presence is the hallmark of every successful leader. The ability to think, act and communicate like a leader is grounded in polished communication skills. Executives with presence deliver higher performance. They are vital to the leadership team. People want to work with them. Through enrolling and engaging the best resources, they deliver superior results time and again. Consider successful executives such as John Chambers, CEO of CISCO since 1995. Chambers overcame childhood dyslexia and today his enthusiastic communication style, which conveys can-do optimism, has helped lead CISCO to the top of a tough, fast-changing industry and Chambers was selected in Harvard Business Review’s Top 5 most valuable CEOs in January 2010.
Executives without presence fall short as leaders. Their low-energy performances display a lack of confidence and cause audiences to tune out within minutes. They can’t think on their feet or compose clear, compelling and motivating messages. Their communication style frustrates senior managers, so their ideas are ignored and resisted. Without executive presence their credibility suffers. They are less effective in their role as they struggle to get buy-in from important stakeholders. They must work harder to make change happen. Doubt, frustration and insecurity creep in.
Look for these 10 warning signs. When leaders lack executive presence, they:

1. Are nervous and shaky in front of senior managers

People judge you when you speak. They make assumptions about your capabilities based on how effectively you express yourself.
While this may not seem fair, it’s a fact of life – even more so at the executive level. Executives who seem nervous are labeled less effective. How many times have you seen someone with superior communication skills promoted ahead of a peer who has better technical knowledge? Giving halting and uncertain answers to senior managers impacts credibility, while confident executives who rise to the occasion of a high-pressure meeting are marked as future leaders.
A recently-promoted general manager of a technology firm found it difficult to hold his own with overseas managers in management review meetings. The managers started to question his promotion. By arming him with several quick-thinking tools, we enabled the executive to become better prepared, thus increasing his confidence.

2. Speak without a clear message

Executives from technical disciplines, such as finance or engineering, often have a misconception that technical ability is more important than communicating effectively. The very skills that make technical experts successful actually prevent them from being promoted to senior management. They focus too heavily on process and small details when the situation requires something more concise. Unlike junior managers, a senior executive’s main role is to communicate a clear and compelling message.
Executives with presence understand how to tell the story behind the numbers, correctly balancing big-picture with small details. The best executives, such as Steve Jobs, communicate effectively using simple and concise language that conveys powerful and memorable messages. Jobs has honed this skill over the years and his product launches contain such gems as, “Today, Apple reinvents the phone” from the 2007 iPhone launch. This ability to express a situation in its simplest terms is often overlooked by technical executives. However, all effective executive communicators have mastered this art.

3. Put audiences to sleep

Voice makes or breaks a presentation. A monotone voice puts people to sleep and a whispering voice is a liability when attempting to persuade senior managers. Great presenters have honed their vocal variety. They are able to attract an audience’s attention and keep it with a full range that combines pace, tone, resonance, rhythm, emphasis and pause to add impact to their messages.
Many senior executives are introverted and reluctant to speak out, like a recent banking client who had a limited vocal range. After working through a range of exercises, her vocal range expanded and she began to make a better impression on conference calls and in presentations.

4. Dump data rather than connecting

Facts are interesting, but they don’t motivate anyone to change. But many executives still think data wins the day. Despite almost one hundred years of research into what motivates people, many executives still blast their audiences with data-heavy presentations. Then they are surprised by the lack of engagement and change that results. Executives with presence are able to connect and engage people on multiple levels by understanding why people are motivated to act.
A CEO of a fast-growing retailer was missing opportunities to get buy-in on strategy from his more than 500 senior managers at quarterly meetings. Using a three-step process, we helped him identify the underlying message beneath all those facts and figures and he delivered a memorable talk that stuck with the management team long after his speech. This was a great improvement from his previous approach of reading statistics from index cards.

5. Think presenting is PowerPoint

Many executives waste time making weighty slide-decks instead of the one preparation tool that’s truly effective: rehearsal.
Executives who rehearse by making and reading slides at their computer deliver dull, mundane and forgettable presentations. The best executives combine whole-brain thinking in their presentations with story-line, flow and anecdotes along with appropriate facts, figures and slides.
A general manager with a strong technical background realized he needed to break bad habits built up over decades. He stopped using slides for three months– a major leap of faith. Then he focused on his message and got comfortable speaking with just a few well designed slides that were visual and memorable. The change was dramatic and he became a role-model for other managers.

6. Appear evasive and uncertain when asked questions

Some executives tend to ramble around a topic before expressing their opinion. This propensity gets worse when faced with a very direct, aggressive questioning style designed to intimidate the executives, who are often answering in their second language. Executives who cannot handle this pressure suffer from stress, anxiety and a breakdown in confidence. Executives with presence are able to handle difficult questions and deliver sharp, concise and punchy answers to even the toughest questions.
A finance director at a leading specialty chemicals firm, despite being an expert in his function and industry, was overwhelmed when global executives fired questions at him. Using media techniques, we helped him stay calm and composed while in the spotlight.

7. Choke during important presentations

Executives are expected to step up and perform during important meetings. Unfortunately, many executives let stage-fright drag them down. They forget their message, hesitate and stutter through their presentation, and freeze while answering questions. In the eyes of their senior-level audience, they come across as unprepared, unconvincing and uncertain.
A CEO recently used one of our rehearsal techniques, which shifted him away from what could go wrong and allowed him to focus on his key purpose. This enabled him to better cope in high-pressure meetings and stay on track.

8. Blame culture and language too often

Even successful executives make excuses. Common excuses among China-based multinational executives are that cultural differences and language ability cause ineffective communication. Without doubt, culture plays an important role in communication. However, it is often overused as the cause for misunderstandings among senior managers. Executives with presence are able to weigh the cultural aspects before a presentation and allow for them without diluting their message or tone.
As China-based specialists, we frequently support executives, such as country managers, in getting out of this rut. Many of them humbly believe that their language ability or lack of overseas study is the main reason why they cannot get their message across to senior managers, but often have similar issues in their native language. We then focus on the underlying communication skill that can help the executive become more vocal and proactive.

9. Are unaware of their communication impact

When executives are unaware of their communication style, they are deaf to the world. They come across as rigid because they stick to one style for all settings. This causes friction among the leadership team and delays important decision-making. Executives need to be versatile to the subtleties of each occasion.
A CEO for a manufacturing multinational used to turn his back to the audience during important presentations while he read his slides. This lowered the executive’s credibility among senior managers. Intense feedback and video work helped the CEO become more aware and adopt more effective speaking postures.

10. Are low-key to the point of invisibility

Senior executives can underestimate the power of meetings to enhance their credentials. Executives’ days are full of meetings; regular weekly calls with line managers, monthly conference calls with senior management, and quarterly business reviews. These are often missed opportunities to showcase their potential as a high-performing executive with the capabilities to drive the business forward. Successful executives take every chance to enhance their reputation in the eyes of their peers and superiors.
A senior partner in a professional services firm needed to increase his visibility in important meetings with the global management team. His qualities were not coming across clearly during these meetings and, although a capable executive, he was unable to project his opinions with confidence. We helped him adopt a more assertive role which improved his reputation. His ideas got more air time and his recommendations were more quickly accepted.

If you have read these warning signs and thought “that sounds like an executive on my team”, then it is time to contact us. We specialize in supporting senior executives in overcoming these and many other challenges as they learn to speak with executive presence. Give us a call so we can help you find the best way forward.
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About Warwick John Fahy

I support senior executives working for multinationals in Greater China who lack the executive presence to effectively influence key stakeholders. While these executives are very smart, very knowledgeable and highly capable, a key piece missing. Their executive communication skills need polishing.

I help executives build a strong foundation in executive communication so that they are able to better think, speak and act like a leader to set and implement strategy.

Our Speak with Executive Presence Program which systematically helps executives think, speak and act like a leader, can be found here.
To see if this program is for you, call Warwick to book a complimentary Executive Presence Strategy Session on +86 21 6101 0486. The purpose of this session is to help you gain more clarity on where you want to go and challenges you are having getting there. We’ll also discuss the services I have to offer and determine if what I do can help you get you where you want to go.

Executive presence is the hallmark of every successful leader.

Executive presence is the hallmark of every successful leader. The ability to think, speak and act like a leader is grounded in polished communication skills. Executives with presence deliver higher performance. They are vital to the leadership team. People want to work with them. Through enrolling and engaging the best resources, they deliver superior results time and again. Consider successful executives such as John Chambers, CEO of CISCO since 1995. Chambers overcame childhood dyslexia and today his enthusiastic communication style, which conveys can-do optimism, has helped lead CISCO to the top of a tough, fast-changing industry and Chambers was selected in Harvard Business Review’s Top 5 most valuable CEOs in January 2010.

We could list a few more top executives, such as Steve Jobs, who everyone would agree have presence.

So, my question is, who are the business executives with executive presence working in Greater China today? As I am researching this now for my next book, I would be especially interested to hear your opinion. Please keep it limited to business executives [no politicans or religious figures] and feel free to suggest both Chinese and international executives.

Please email me your suggestions. If you have a link to a video of them speaking, that would be even better. It will be great to highlight them in my book.

Find out whether your executive team is performing to the best of their potential with Warwick’s article “10 Warning Signs Your Leaders Lack Executive Presence”. Email me and I’ll send you a PDF version or download here.

The power of five minute modules

The content of your speech is like a diamond necklace. Imagine a string of stones on this necklace. Every diamond on your necklace is five minutes of content. Rather than delivering a data dump, these shorter modules help the audience digest your material and stay on track during your talk. Working your ideas into strong five-minute modules is the start of a great presentation.

Practice delivering these modules with different speech objectives from the Toastmasters manuals. I recently delivered five manual talks to identify five minutes of good content that I used as part of a 40 minute presentation. This polishing of content is the process that stand-up comedians use to refine their act. In the documentary Comedian, Jerry Seinfeld creates a new stand-up act. He went from comedy club to comedy club trying out new material and then reflecting on what worked and what didn’t. You can use a similar process.

Refine your content with these three steps: test-edit-test. Don’t just deliver a speech once. Instead, record every speech you deliver and listen to it. Observe when people laugh or react to parts of your speech. Extract those parts and try them again with a different audience. When different audiences react positively, you know you have good content. But what if your material flops? Try it on another audience. If it still doesn’t go over well, refine it and try it on a third audience. If after three times of re-working a story and it flops every time, drop it! Becoming more aware of how your audience reacts to your content is essential to being a better speaker.

Flexibility is the hallmark of all great presenters. You can ‘string’ your talk with different ‘stones’ of content depending on your speech message and audience. Each module could be delivered independently or as part of a longer presentation.

Express the big picture with your big idea

Crowns are used to represent power and convey legitimacy to the person wearing them. But crowns are not only for kings. You can ‘wear’ one to represent your expertise. Your crown of expertise is your big idea and frames everything you speak on. It provides the context for your talk and helps the audience understand the big picture before you go deeper into detailed content. Let’s illustrate with four examples:

1. Rory Vaden in a recent talk in China explained his big idea as “take the stairs”. He used it as a metaphor to mean literally stay in shape and also symbolically as the pathway to success. It’s easy to understand, remember and pass along.

2. Simon Sinek, a professional speaker, has a big idea called “start with why”. Simon believes that before you decide on a career, you should first understand what drives you by clarifying your passions in life. All his talks are hooked back to this main theme.

3. Educator Sir Ken Robinson’s big idea is to “increase creativity in schools”. He delivered two famous talks to TED Talks ( on this topic. His humorous delivery was effective because it reinforced his core message.

4. Zappo’s, an online retailer, big idea is to deliver “wow through customer service”. Their customer-friendly service allows goods to be returned up to one year after purchase and offers free shipping both ways.

Your big idea is your crown of expertise. It is expressed in three to five words, and can be applied to your job, your experience, your background or just a topic you like to speak on with passion. Create a big idea for your next presentation to help the audience remember your main message. With a big idea, you can also better filter ideas and decide how relevant they are for your speech

Lessons when communicating to senior managers: Find common ground

Overcoming objections and challenges is essential to gaining acceptance for your proposal. While many presenters know their audiences well, they miss out on possibilities to connect their message with their manager’s interests. We call this “Create your Connection”, step 4 in the 8 step journey of  The One Minute Presenter.

Finding common ground is the landing pad for your presentation’s message. Making it clear to the audience will improve your chances in gaining agreement.

Find common ground. This is your preparation and research part. First think about the outcome for your presentation. How receptive will your manager be to your conclusion? Find areas that they will buy-into most easily. Connect your presentation flow and message to the things that you know your manager is motivated by


Your manager firmly believes in capturing market share through exceptional high-touch client engagement. Your proposal includes a section that proposes training all client-facing staff to resolve problems within 24-hours.

Your manager always wants to see the detailed numbers behind any major decision. Although you do not want to go into the spreadsheets in your short presentation, you print our and include the financial modelling as a handout.

Be explicit in showing the audience  your common ground. Be clear and lead the audience through the presentation. Show your manager that you know what he likes to hear. This is all part of connecting with your manager. When you see the nods, you know you have made that connection. A good presenter keeps making small connections through-out their presentation.


“A major risk in fast expansion is lowering customer service consistency. We don’t want that to happen. In fact, we can’t let it happen. So here is our solution to deliver consistently high customer touches while we are aggressively growing into new markets”

“I know that you are interested in the financial modelling behind these projections. Although, in the short time we have available in this meeting, I don’t have time to get into the details, I have included a handout with our spreadsheet calculations and would be happy to share a soft copy with you after the meeting.”

Use common ground to overcome objections. Being challenged by a senior manager is a fact of life. Be ready for these challenges by starting your answer in a position that you can both agree on. This helps you get agreement in the starting position and then state your case in a logical fashion from there. Although this will not guarantee that your manager will always agree with your point-of-view, it does improve the chance of buy-in as it eliminates all confusion in the rationale behind your proposal.


Manager: “Why are you predicting a 12% increase when we have calculations of a 15% gain over the same time period.

Your answer: “As we confirmed earlier, customer retention is our most important priority. Our premium clients require a very hands-on service so rather than risk burning them as we expand too rapidly into new areas, we are recommending a slightly more conservative projection that will allow us time to re-train client facing staff while gaining exposure to attractive opportunities in second tier cities.”

Finding, sharing and returning to common ground is a great way to stay connected and aligned to the motivations, values and concerns of your senior manager.